At the British College of Gavà we aim to help your children ‘Be the best they can be’. This journey is one we take in partnership with the parents, teachers and children. As educators, there is no greater privilege than watching a child grow and develop not only in his or her learning, but also in his or her abilities to communicate, play and interact with others.

Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is a broad and exciting framework that comprises seven main Areas of Learning. These are:
• Personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
• Communication and Language (CL)
• Physical development (PD)
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world (UTW)
• Expressive arts and design (EAD)

Lower Primary
As the children leave EYFS we ensure a smooth transition by continuing with elements of the EYFS pedagogy to ensure that passion and creativity for learning remains. With the confidence and independence gained in Early Years, Lower Primary children are well equipped to build upon their skills and understanding in order to access the broad and challenging Key Stage 1 curriculum.