Welcome from the Principal

Dear Visitor,
I am delighted that you have found your way to our website, you are extremely welcome!
We are very proud of our magnificent school, our long-lasting values, the modern facilities and our knowledgeable staff. Most of all, however, we are proud of our amazing students. It is an extraordinary thing to be able to see children learning, discovering and growing as they explore the plethora of opportunities in front of them.
As the Principal, I am still discovering things about this wonderful school every day. One day it may be the sound of our new Year 7 and 8 choir practising in the auditorium, another it may be the laughter of children at Forest School while doing fun activities with their teacher. We are in a privileged environment surrounded by nature with wonderful facilities, offering everything students need to make the most out of this learning experience through the years and in each educational stage.
I feel so proud to be able to help our staff nurture and educate your children.
We have moved into a long period of stability and growth, allowing us to focus on continually improving the academic curriculum and the campus to guarantee the level of excellence that is our promise to all BCG families.
I have extremely high expectations of the children as well as the staff, and we are creating a stimulating and purposeful culture throughout the school. We have a very caring community and the size of our school means that every child is treated as an individual, encouraged to excel in whatever area they feel best suits them.
With our fantastic secondary building, modern school facilities, becoming an IB World School and now the introduction of the Career-Related Programme, there has not been a better time to join the British College of Gava.
The very best way of truly knowing if the school is right for your sons and daughters is by coming to visit. I would be delighted to meet you and talk to you in more detail about our wonderful school and then you can see for yourselves what a beautiful environment and passionate teaching staff we have.
In the meantime, please do have a good look at the website and follow us on social media so you can have a sneak peek of what a day at our school looks like.
Simon Mower
About Mr. Mower
Originally trained and worked as a designer, Mr. Mower quickly became passionate about education. Initially, teaching in the UK at a number of top boarding schools, he then moved to Thailand where he was Director of Studies in Bangkok's leading British International school. 7 years later he moved back to the UK for his first headship, again in an international boarding school. Now, with over 30 years of experience, he is proud to be leading The British College of Gavà. Mr. Mower holds qualifications in Art and Design, a degree in Industrial Design and the NPQH (Professional Qualification for Headship). He is a passionate and committed educationalist, very approachable and personable with parents, students and teachers alike.