There are so many exciting things I want to share after our first full week back to school, I really do not know where to begin. This new school year we welcome many new families to our BCG community. Our families come from far and wide and continue to enhance our ever growing, diverse school. I have been very impressed with the polite introductions to our new pupils and exceptional manners. Exactly what we like in our Early Years & Primary school and it has given me a wonderful positive feeling about the year ahead.
Not only do we welcome new families but also a couple of new members of staff to our fantastic team of teachers and support staff. Mr Liam Ball, our new Year 5 Teacher, has very quickly become popular with his pupils and our staff alike. Miss Claire Macdonald, our new ´Music Extraordinaire´ promises to deliver some exciting performances for the Primary children this year. She and I have even joined the Sitges Choir so we are ready to support the children in our Christmas and Summer shows. We are also proud to announce Miss Raquel Pena, our Nursery Teacher. She has worked in the school already last year so is known by all the EYFS pupils and staff. She has a brilliant year planned for her Nursery pupils as do all of our staff.
On Friday, we had our first Celebration Assembly. This is a new addition to our timetable and one Miss Stevens and I really value. Today we celebrated the life of HRH Queen Elizabeth II who sadly passed away on 8th September. The children listened carefully and were very respectful during our minute´s silence. They have asked lots of interesting questions and proved they can talk about a sensitive topic in a really mature way.
We also announced the winners of the much coveted and prestigious role of Year 6 House Captains. The children were given the opportunity to apply by letter to Miss Stevens and I. We had many entries and it really was difficult to decide but we were won over by some beautifully written, very convincing letters. The Year 6 House Captains this term are:
- Red - Nina K.
- Yellow - Jorge E.
- Blue - Luke J.
- Green - Lola R.
You will be very pleased to hear that we have the key academic calendar dates for the term to share with you. We have been very busy planning ahead and will strive to keep you better informed this year. We always welcome feedback, especially positive and you can make an appointment to see me should you wish to discuss any queries or concerns.
I wish all of our EYFS and Primary families a lovely week ahead. I am sure there will be some very tired children after a few days of hard work and settling into school life again. It truly is great to be back.
Best wishes
Miss Wakelin